.. _line_blocks:

Line blocks

| Lend us a couple of bob till Thursday. 
| I'm absolutely skint. 
| But I'm expecting a postal order and I can pay you back as soon as it comes. 
| Love, Ewan. 
Another one\:

| This is a line block.  It ends with a blank line. 
|     New lines begin with a vertical bar ("|"). 
|     Line breaks and initial indent are significant, and preserved. 
|         Continuation lines are also possible.  A long line that is intended to wrap should begin with a space in place of the vertical bar. 
|     The left edge of a continuation line need not be aligned with the left edge of the text above it. 

| This is a second line block. 
| Blank lines are permitted internally, but they must begin with a "|". 
Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!

| A one, two, a one two three four 
| Half a bee, philosophically, 
|     must, *ipso facto*, half not be. 
| But half the bee has got to be, 
|     *vis a vis* its entity. D'you see? 
| But can a bee be said to be 
|     or not to be an entire bee, 
|         when half the bee is not a bee, 
|             due to some ancient injury? 
| Singing... 
The end.